
first of all , aku bsyukur tk thingga . know what , aku bru dpt result and the result was't bad actually , still can live with it . i need to be strong . maybe its fate and i need to accept it . i got only five A . i'm very very grateful and thanks to Allah for what i had for my result .
Alhamdulillah :)
okay , fullstop !

but ,

there is a bad bad bad news
result aku tu telah mrosakkan impian aku . aku ditendang menggunakan sekeping kertas yg mnyatakan begini ayatnya , "tidak berjaya meneruskan pembelajaran anda dalam sistem MRSM"
ayat dia tk lha mcm tu , lbih kurang je lha .

what ?
that time hati aku hncur , luluh , berkecai mcm kaca pecah .
sedih sgt sgt . hanya Allah je tau mcm mne perasaan aku mase tu . mungkin ni kata kata aku tmakbul kot . ye lha mse tk mtg dulu , aku slalu kate nk kluar , nk kluar . tengok ? what happen now ? benda tu tjadi ! astaghfirullahhalazim~ aku tkkan bputus asa . demi hidup aku .

rmai juga lha yg give support , thanks a lot to you all . mak zira kate aku tabah ? ececeeh~ maybe . maybe ade hikmah dsebalik ape yg aku dpt . Dia nk uji sejauh mne aku boleh trima semua tu .

its okay , SPM ade lg lha , dear :D
jgn lha risau okay !
belajar sungguh sungguh okay !


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